Happenings since my last post... :)
Saw my awesome sisters and Chris in Vegas.

Moved back to Utah for my last semester of College and I Graduated too!!!
I live in an awesome house with awesome girls who have become some of my best friends.

We like to go out and party from time to time!

Or stay in, dress up (for Halloween) and throw our own parties.

Did a photo shoot with Amy in November for fun!

I have been home to visit a few times!

Had an awesome New Years!

Started Full Time at PLAID.
Almost broke my back at a tumbling gym... it was bad news but luckily I just sprained my back and didn't end up paralyzed. I don't have any pictures of this... I mean having a neck brace on in an ambulance on my way to the ER isn't really an image I would like to capture. haha It ended up being a good life lesson and I actually made some really great friends out of the experience too.
My Gorgeous sister is going to have a baby!!! Due May 8th... I cant wait to be an Auntie...

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