Posted by Callie Mae at 1:11 PM 0 comments
Labels: http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_-27eL_hK7Bg/S2X_Uas1sEI/AAAAAAAAAg4/TctuNfRy1Xw/s1600-h/100_3362.JPG
Posted by Callie Mae at 2:06 PM 0 comments
Posted by Callie Mae at 11:43 PM 4 comments
Posted by Callie Mae at 8:24 PM 0 comments
So I read this article by Bobby Spiegel on advice from Bill Gates... thought it was pretty decent... Here's Bills 11 Rules for life:
Posted by Callie Mae at 9:35 PM 1 comments
Posted by Callie Mae at 4:40 PM 0 comments
So this week has been interesting...
Lets start with last weekend.... I was scheduled to work at a business convention in Park City this past Friday and Saturday, which was great. However, I found it very ironic that it hasn't snowed at all this whole season and the two days that I had to drive at 4 am through Provo Canyon for an hour and a half to get to Park City, it decided to snow. Sweet. Don't you just love black ice? My drive wasn't too bad on Friday and neither was work either day, but I did catch myself nodding off both while standing at my "post" more than a few times... This probably had to do with the fact that I only had a total of 8 hours of sleep both nights.
On my drive home, things got pretty interesting...probably because it was snowing like a mother. As I was driving down the 40 heading into Heber at no more than 25mph, I saw three cars in front of me slide on black ice in the same place. They all slid to the right side of the road within inches of each other. Scary right? Well I figured a better slow down ( even though I was already going at a snails pace) so that I didn't slide right into their trap either. I couldn't have been going more than 20mph when I approached the patch, but that didn't matter. I slid further out than they did pulling a 360, but this time to the left, crossing two other lanes of traffic, barely missing one car, and then right into the snowy median. All the while I was screaming obscenities... probably due to the fact that it was completely out of my control and I had no idea what was going to happen. Luckily, I was okay and so was my car. :) I collected myself for a few minutes, then got back on the road, and went about 15 the rest of the way home. This is probably the reason I love California... no worries about such hazards. Ever.
So the rest of the week it snowed, which was not a big deal because I didn't have to do much driving... It was finals week, so I probably spent at least 12 hours a day on campus the last three days, trying to get everything done in time so that I could head home last night. Well, I guess all of that stress was all for nothing because I'M STILL STUCK IN UTAH due to the hazardous weather from here to California... Snow in Provo, Snow in St George, Snow in Las Vegas, Cajon Pass is closed and rain at home. Man no way in to CA and no way out of this... Bad word... I mean Provo!
At least my finals are finished, I don't have work, I can play with my roommates, and make gingerbread houses, snow angels, update my blog, and stay away from black ice and 360 incidents! :)
Posted by Callie Mae at 9:57 AM 0 comments